Emily Rushing + Lucia Briones
Emily Rushing
Emily is an independent artist in Austin. She has been involved in the Austin dance scene since 2008 creating her own work, teaching classes, producing shows and collaborating with multiple artists and companies. She was nominated by the Austin Critics Table for the Chronicle's Best Dancer in 2018. She currently dances with Blue Lapis Light and is a co-producer for the Seam Project.
Follow: @emrrushing (IG)
Photo: Jose Saldivar
What do you love about the Austin arts community?
“I love the resiliency of Austin's artists, considering a continual lack of performance spaces and funding. Where there is a will, there is a way and we make things work and get creative and scrappy in defiance. Love the support we have for each other as well.”
- Emily Rushing
Lucia Briones
The objective of my art is to take a small detail and unapologetically turn it into the main event. My work is colorful, nostalgic, and even when flat, will produce movement. After nine stringent years in the military, I like to credit Austin for bringing my creativity back to life. I know it’s because of this city’s vast pool of talented artists that I have yet to commit to a specific medium and am constantly motivated to try something new.
Follow: @lucybri83 (IG)